Initially, our primary focus was the Brazilian people. We saw their openness and incredible desire for God. To date we have made many trips there working along side churches, Pastors and other missionaries. We have ministered in prisons, camps, various cities and small villages, in order to bring the good news of Christ. We have also provided medicine, clothing, food and other resources to many. In 2002, our attention shifted to Africa, where we saw the great need for physical, spiritual and emotional help. We were led to the ECRAD Orphanage, where there are currently 105 children being cared for. Most of these children have lost their parents to AIDS. We have been involved in providing food, clothing, a computer school, and wells for clean water.


In the spring of 2006, I had the amazing opportunity, along with my family to visit 116 beautiful orphaned children at the Orphan Care Centre in Malawi, Africa. I wrote a letter before we went, asking people to help me raise enough money to purchase food for the orphanage for a year. I called the project, "Project Wellness" after the fresh water well that my dad's organization, Amazon Evangelism Society had drilled a few months before. We were excited when the money came in for food, and that there was more to go towards blankets, bicycles, school supplies and other essentials.That was not the end of Project Wellness, but just the beginning!  Through the votes from the Board of Directors of Amazon Evangelism Society, Project Wellness was born.  Since then it has been funded by groups and individuals allowing us to continue caring for the needs of 400 children and widows in their village. In the last 4 1/2 years we have been able to build a new school building that is used to educate 700 children and provide meals for 130 hundred children. The fundraising efforts of a church in Trail, B.C. allowed us to purchase a 4x4 truck for the orphanage that taxis children as needed for medical attention to the local clinic/hospital. A computer school was established primarily for girls, more fresh water wells, school supplies, school uniforms, shoes, clothes, medical supplies and other essentials have also been provided by Project Wellness through the donations of our many faithful supporters.

On my return to the orphanage in July 2007 with my family it was visible that the children were growing and thriving.  We took with us soccer uniforms and balls that were donated by The Soccer Association.  We spent time at the orphanage and at the local hospital.

As Project Wellness continues to grow, we are not only committed to provide education, medicine, food and other necessities for these orphaned children, we are dedicated to reach as many orphans in Malawi and throughout Africa as we possibly can. 

Your support is welcome and appreciated!
