Project Wellness/Amazon Evangelism Society (AES) believe that we need to help meet people’s physical needs but we can't do it alone. We need partners who share this passion and who are willing to commit themselves to us and to this great task. 

We believe that people give to this ministry because they want to make an investment that counts right now, and for eternity. They want to see their dollars translated into changed lives which can be done by becoming a Monthly Partner. Giving monthly will empower our team to continue to meet people’s many needs in Africa, across Canada and other countries globally. 

Please take a few moments to look over the following information about our Monthly Partner program and see which one of the levels best describes your financial commitment to support this worthy cause. 

Becoming a Monthly Partner now is easier than ever. Either click on the DONATE NOW BUTTON where you will see the "Donate Monthly" option or print out the Monthly Partner Form PDF below, fill it in, and mail it to the address on the form. To enroll by phone, or for more information call us at 778-808-5109.

Thank you for considering partnering with us!

Donate Today!


Amazon evangelism society values and honors the privacy of its newsletter and financial partners by establishing an environment of trust and safety. Information about our newsletter and ministry partners, including names and addresses, beneficiaries, gifts amounts, and estate information, is kept strictly confidential by all authorized amazon evangelism personnel (volunteers), unless permission is obtained in writing from the donor to release such information. Such information shall be recorded and retained only for the private, business use of the society.

Amazon evangelism society seeks to maintain appropriate measures to ensure the security of donor information - names acquired through the internet, or other public domains, are also protected from unsecured web sites, including addresses, telephone, facsimiles, e-mail addresses,  and other personal information.